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De León Coffee Collagen Formula
Healthy, Unique Coffee Blends!
Experience the magic of our potent blend, infused with skin-loving ingredients. Beyond its delectable cappuccino flavor, this unique elixir brings extraordinary benefits to both your skin and overall well-being. Treat yourself to indulgence while nurturing your body.

Product Detail
Supplement Facts
Product Detail
What Are De León Coffee Collagen Formula’s Benefits?
Healthful Skin
Slows Down The Appearance Of Age.
Provides Energy
Caffeine Activates The Mind And Body Improving Concentration And Learning And Avoiding The Sensation Of Fatigue.
Mental Balance
Helps calm stress and tension, promoting relaxation and better concentration.
Main Ingredients:
Contains Caffeine, A Central Nervous System Stimulant That Is Known For Its Ability To Fight Fatigue And Increase Energy Levels, Also Could Alter Fat Storage And Supports Gut Health, Both Of Which May Be Beneficial For Weight Management.
Improve Skin Hydration And Elasticity And Reduce The Appearance Of Wrinkles. Also Can Help The Healthy Maintenance Of Bones And Relieve Joint Pain.
Why Drink De León Coffee Collagen Formula?
Hair And Nails
The Collagen Strengthens Your Nails And Stops Them From Breaking Easily, It Also Stimulates Their Hair Growth.
How To Take:
Dissolve 1 Scoop into A 5 Fl. Oz (150ml) Cup Of Hot Water, 1-3 Times Daily.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts